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Loss of motivation: how to regain control?

Do your daily tasks seem insurmountable to you? Just thinking about them gives you a headache? While it's normal, loss of motivation can become a source of stress and frustration for many. To avoid further consequences, here are 5 simple habits to adopt when motivation decreases!

1. Change your mindset

When motivation decreases, the best thing to do is to change your mindset. There's no need to stay stuck in front of a task or activity that we temporarily have no interest in. It's better to "change the scenery"! Engaging in activities we enjoy and taking time for ourselves will prevent us from dwelling on the negative. On the contrary, distancing ourselves from what troubles us will allow us to come back more creative and focused!

One of the activities I prefer to calm my body and mind is meditation. Whether you practice it according to the rules of the art or not, meditation offers a break for our often restless mind and helps us refocus on the essentials.

2. Take a walk in nature

Continuing with the idea of changing your mindset, going for a walk in nature is one of the best ways to stimulate (or revive) your creativity. Personally, taking a walk in the forest is one of the only activities that truly allows me to clear my mind and soothe my spirit. Being outdoors and breathing fresh air is good for morale, and it's also a great way to get a dose of vitamin D.

Did you know that walking in the forest is more beneficial than walking in the city? Indeed, venturing into nature naturally decreases our cortisol levels, the stress hormone, and increases the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. And that's not all, walking in nature is even known to reduce blood pressure and improve the immune system.

3. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy

During periods of stress or depression, we often neglect our nutrition and water intake. To no one's surprise, drinking water and eating healthily play a crucial role in our overall well-being. During darker periods, their impact is even more significant since they are our main fuel.

Did you know that water does much more than just hydrate us? It promotes better concentration and reduces feelings of fatigue and anxiety.

4. Sleep

Sleeping is one of my favorite natural remedies. When morale is low, pay special attention to your sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? Is your sleep restorative? If you answered no to at least one of these questions, here are some tips to help you improve the quality of your sleep:

  1. Limit screen time before bedtime. The blue light emitted by your screens excessively stimulates your brain and delays the time you fall asleep. Also, avoid consuming digital content in the bedroom.

  2. On the contrary, engaging in activities like meditation or reading will calm your body and brain.

  3. Listen to your body and stick to your routine. If you're used to going to bed at 10 PM, going beyond that time could have negative repercussions on your overall health.

What role does sleep play in our well-being? It promotes emotional balance. In other words, it reduces stress, mood swings, and even the risk of depression.

5. Positive thoughts and affirmations

When going through a difficult period professionally or personally, it's normal to question ourselves. For me, when a challenge arises, I tend to question myself. However, in the past year, I have managed to develop tools that help me get through these moments. First and foremost, I remind myself that a bad period does not equal a bad life. This simple phrase puts the current event into perspective. Then, I recall all the accomplishments I have achieved. This way, I realize my worth and my full potential! Of course, in the moment, it's not as simple, but the efforts are definitely worth it!

And what about you? What's your best tips for getting through a difficult period?

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